Women’s Savings Account
A savings Account exclusively for ladies who employed or self employed is eligible to open above category Account. While Encourage to improve the habit of savings providing more benefits to the Account holders.Women between age of 18 years and 60 years are eligible to open a “Manavi” Savings Account. A minimum deposit is Rs. 500/- Preferential interest rate calculated on the daily minimum balance and credited monthly. Customers are eligible to the loan schemes as detailed below
A loan can be obtained to start or develop self-employment projects under concessionary rate.
Promoter’s equality will have to be built up to over 06 months progressively in the “Manavi” Account.
Personal Guarantee of two persons acceptable to the bank will be obtained as security of the loan.
Fixed deposits – offer special interest rate than normal rate
Pawning – offer special interest rate than normal rate
Leasing/HP facilities – offer special interest rate than normal rate.